April 20 - June 2, 2012
Possibilities of Wood is a one man exhibition by Marco Logsdon that explores the outcome of finding and reclaiming wood for the purpose of creating art. The exhibition was made possible by the EcoArt Program of Lexington Fayette-Urban County Government Department of Environmental Quality.
The main objective of the exhibition is to create awareness of the amount of wood and other materials that are destined for the landfill unless someone breaks the cycle and finds a way to put it to use.
The task of looking for discarded wood had me going through construction dumpsters and searching the curbs on garbage pick up days. I also gathered materials from a renovation project of a friend. There was no preconceived notion of what the work would look like since the actual materials were yet to be found.
This exhibition book explores the inspiration, work and materials used to create the tar landscapes with reclaimed wood.
To order a hard copy and/or preview the book online: