Oil, tar, acrylics and whatever on canvas, paper, panel and more...
Fine Arts Program, Area of Concentration - Painting, Asbury College, Wilmore, KY
M.S. Rezny Studio & Gallery, Lexington, KY
EDL and Associates, Atlanta, GA
Swanson Contemporary, Louisville, KY
Art Source LA, Los Angeles, CA
Al Smith Fellowship. Professional Artist Assistance Award. 1996 and 2010
EcoArt Grant Award, Lexington Fayette-Urban County Government Department of Environmental Quality. 2011
Woodland Arts Fair. Best of Kentucky Award. August 2012
Marco Logsdon
Contemporary Artist
Non-Objective, Abstract, Mixed Media
Artist Statement
I have always worked with the idea of sequence. At the beginning of my career, I read somewhere that most artists create one work and spend their life recreating it over and over again with slight variations. I believe this is true; we spend our lives chipping away at an idea where a conclusion remains elusive because the human mind finds a way to build on previous versions of itself.
I have spent the last 30 years chipping away at an idea where a painting's meaning does not involve words or known symbols from the real world but rather a place where shapes and patterns create their own visual language. Nothing new in the history of art, but still an open field. My goal is to have a painting become a universal spiritual thing that goes beyond a specific interpretation or story. My use of reclaimed materials, tar, and encaustic wax adds nuance to each piece, and by varying color and form, I believe each painting takes on a life of its own. Once on display, this puts the interpretation of meaning into the hands of the viewer, as all art is about communication.
Exhibition Highlights
Lexington Council for the Arts. Three Man Show. Lexington, KY. 1/89
Artsplace Gallery. Six Year Retrospective Invitational Exhibition. Lexington, KY. 9/90
Artswatch Gallery. Lavender Art and Craft Exhibit. Honorable Mention. Louisville, KY. 6/92
Southern Illinois University. Arts in Celebration. Carbondale, IL. 9/92
Artsplace Gallery. Three Man Show. Lexington, KY. 8/92
Artist's Attic. Annual Competition. 3rd. Place. Lexington, KY. 9/92
Water Tower. Louisville Visual Art Association Water Tower Annual. Louisville, KY. 4/93
Artsplace Gallery. Lexington Council for Arts, Two Man Show. Lexington, KY. 2/97
Van de Griff Gallery. One Man Show. Santa Fe, NM. 5/98
Central Public Library. Two Man Show. Lexington, KY. 12/98
Water Tower. Louisville Visual Art Association Water Tower Annual. Merit Award. Louisville, KY. 3/99
Swanson-Cralle East Market. Two Man Show. Louisville, KY. 1/00
Arts on Main Juried Exhibition. Shelbyville, KY. 7-9/00
Swanson-Cralle East Market. One Man Show. Louisville, KY. 9/01
Kentucky Visions Invitational Exhibition. Governors Mansion. Frankfort, KY. 4/03
Swanson Reed Contemporary. One Man Show. Louisville, KY. 5/04
Swanson Reed Contemporary. “M Art after Minimalism Group Show.” Louisville, KY. 5/05
Arts on Main Juried Exhibition. Shelbyville, KY. 8/05
Swanson Reed Contemporary. One Man Show. Louisville, KY. 5/06
Logsdon 1909 Gallery & Studio. One Man Show. Chicago, IL. 9/06
Logsdon 1909 Gallery & Studio. Two Man Show. Chicago, IL. 5/07
Swanson Reed Contemporary. One Man Show. Tertiary White. Chicago, IL. 11/08
Logsdon 1909 Gallery. One Man Show. Tertiary White. Chicago, IL. 1/09
Artsplace. Kentucky Painters Forum. Lexington, KY. 8/09
Logsdon 1909 Gallery. WonderSky. Chicago, IL. 8/09
MS Rezny Gallery. Present in Landscape. Lexington, KY. 4/10
Owensboro Museum of Fine Art. River Country. Owensboro, KY. 12/11
Artsplace Gallery. Possibilities of Wood. Lexington, KY. 4/12
MS Rezny Gallery. Pattern and Recognition. Lexington, KY. 6/12
The Black Lodge. The Human Console. Lexington, KY. 6/13
MS Rezny Gallery. 3 x 33 Group Show. Lexington, KY. 9/13
Community Arts Center. Weathered and Reclaimed Solo Show, Danville, KY. 8/14
Living Arts & Sciences Center. Pattern, Color, and Form: The Art of Marco Logsdon and Nicole Hand. Lexington, KY. 11/14
MS Rezny Gallery. Co-Joined: Painting, photography and mixed media by Marco Logsdon and Michael Wayne. Lexington, KY 6/15
MS Rezny Gallery. Subjective Neutrality: A non-objective exploration of muted colors and tar on reclaimed materials. Lexington, KY 10/16
Community Arts Center. New Year New Art. Danville, KY 2/17
Zephyr Gallery. Deliberation: Slow and careful movement of thought. Louisville, KY 3/17